+355 67 40 41 001 dashamir.elezi@hotmail.com

Donate for this project

The inventor and the owner of the patent require different collaborations and donations to implement, produce and distribute Fourcellina in any country where cost production is relatively low.

Bank: Tirana Bank
Name: Dashamir Elezi
Account: 0100-178439-002
Currency: EUR
IBAN: AL41 2061 1004 0000 1001 7843 9002


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Production and distribution process

The FOURCELLINA project is the focus of several different social projects that will have a broad positive impact, not restricted only in manufacturing counties. With the resources generated by the FOURCELLINA project, scientific research groups will be created for biological products in collaboration with specialized universities in this field.

The implementation of this project is quite complex and divided into three main phases:
MARKET RESEARCH, SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGY for the production of products and GLOBAL ORGANIZATION for spreading the product in different countries of the world.


World market research phase and visibility. Market research consist on the studies about fourcellina’s benefits for use in kitchen (elimination of cutting risks in domestic kitchens or Ho.Re.Ca, as a result of the use of FOURCELLINA for the maintenance of foodstuffs, research for ready-made technology chain makers, visibility and contacts with distribution companies). Donations are very important at this stage (for this process donations up to 500,000 euros are needed).
During this phase it is necessary to undertake a study on the social project of fruit collection in the remote areas to help small family farms who find it impossible to find a market for their produce (in fruit plants, olive groves and herbs of mountain flora). In this case, we can give the family farms the opportunity of further marketing of biological products, jams and pharmaceutical products for use in personal hygiene. Also, by using traditional recipes, a preliminary production is carried out and the satisfaction rate can be tested by sending in kindergartens and third-age homes samples produced domestically.


The production phase of a sufficient quantity to enter to the global market (manufacturer identification, adapting a well-structured business plan, preparation and adaptation of technology, research for distribution companies and advance marketing for production). At the same time a new plan will be projected to create a new space for products with social intentions. In this case new projects of finding and training human resources will contribute in the growth of economic stability of families and hiring of unqualified layers of population. The need for donations becomes partial as a result of investor interest also for co-ownership agreements (co-ownership, granting of certain rights or a separation of production costs to divide the profit during the sale.) Social projects of finding and training social organizations with the purpose of using natural resources for community benefits will be medium terms ( periodic in 2 years timeline) to ensure stability in production and distribution in worldwide market. The technological and production chain of an initial amount for each type of FORCELLINA requires an investment of ≈ 4.5 million euros).


Production chain stage, permanent marketing and extensive sales. In this consolidating phase, experts can contract marketing and distribution companies in different countries, and the production phase can be programmed. Partial donations are required for the project only for publications and market studies for its benefits in specific broad markets. With a share of the profit, social projects will be developed, and further will be invested in scientific research in the field of biology and medicine field based on natural products without the need for profound technological processing (as it is written on the web page for social projects for the benefits of the communities where it is foreseen to be produced and consumed).